Medical Law

Medical Law2024-04-28T15:56:02-05:00

Reynaldo Garza, III is experienced in medical injury litigation, having helped clients in and around Brownsville Texas with medical lawsuits. He handles injury cases concerning hospital and nursing malpractice, birth injuries, nursing home malpractice, dental malpractice, and other medical injuries that involve some type of negligent action or the omission of an action that results in patient injury.

Medical injuries can be devastating, leaving those injured with physical, emotional, and financial scars. This type of negligence can leave people unsure where to turn or how to proceed when seeking compensation for their resulting pain and suffering. Reynaldo Garza, III understand the impact that these injuries can have on clients’ lives and how difficult it can be to face the huge industry that has abundant legal resources at its disposal.

That’s why Reynaldo Garza, III is the best choice when dealing with medical malpractice lawsuits. He gives clients the compassionate, individualized attention necessary to understand their problems and help them receive just compensation.

Medical malpractice litigation is a challenging legal area that requires extensive knowledge of medical practices and medical law. Reynaldo Garza, III is prepared to help you succeed with your claim of medical negligence so you can begin the healing process and move on with your life in the best way possible.

The areas of medical malpractice that he handles include but are not limited to:
Birth Injury2024-01-08T08:27:37-06:00

The birth of a child should be a joyous occasion for parents as they welcome a new life into their family and into the world. Unfortunately, negligence during the birthing process can cause serious injuries to newborn babies that may affect them for rest of their lives.

Mistakes such as injury during the birthing process, umbilical cord injury, and other types of birth trauma that  resulted in anoxia, hypoxia, asphyxia, nerve injury, and bone injuries can prevent normal infant development. They can even lead to devastating conditions like infant brain damage, dashing parents’ hopes that their baby will ever lead a normal life like other children.

No matter what type of injury may occur, parents of injured newborns have the legal right to hold those involved responsible in cases of negligence. In these instances, the assistance of a legal team that understands the significance of medical mistakes during the birthing process is essential.

The attorneys at Reynaldo Garza, III will fight for parents dealing with cases of birth injury negligence to achieve the most successful outcome.

Consult with Reynaldo Garza, III today about birth injury malpractice in Brownsville and the entire South Texas area by calling our office today!



Like all other medical professionals, members of the dental profession including dentists, dental assistants, and dental surgeons are required to provide acceptable care that does not cause any harm to their patients. When negligence of any kind results in some kind of injury, patients can end up with long-lasting conditions far beyond their original dental concerns.

Any poor, inappropriate, or negligent performance during procedures such as root canals and dental implants, tooth extraction damage to the lingual or other critical nerves, extraction of the wrong tooth, and puncturing of the sinus cavity during dental procedures are just a few examples of injuries that could lead to complications such as infections, permanent nerve damage, and even strokes.

Anytime a patient sustains these or other injuries due to dental negligence, they have the right to file a dental malpractice lawsuit. Success with these cases requires the services of medical lawyers and professionals with a thorough knowledge of dentistry and the injuries that can occur during dental procedures.

At Reynaldo Garza, III, we understand that errors made during dental procedures are serious mistakes that can result in serious consequences for patients. That’s why we are prepared to handle dental treatment malpractice lawsuits on behalf of our clients who have been injured and suffered pain as a result of dental negligence.

If you have sustained an injury during a dental procedure due to negligence on the part of a dental practitioner, call Reynaldo Garza, III today to discuss your case with experienced attorneys who can help you receive appropriate compensation for your pain and suffering.


Hospitals and medical centers are facilities where people go to receive necessary and often lifesaving medical care. In doing so, patients put their trust in understanding that their hospital is qualified to administer that care and employs trained and capable staff to carry out such treatment.

Sadly, hospital negligence lawyers find that even reputable doctors and facilities make mistakes, sometimes very serious ones. Industry studies show that hospitals and medical centers are responsible for many mistakes – from missed or incorrect diagnosis to carelessness with treatments and procedures – that threaten the well-being of their patients. This type of negligence frequently results in preventable injuries.

When hospital negligence causes injury or prevents the proper diagnosis or treatment of health conditions, the attorneys at Reynaldo Garza, III are ready to help. These experienced attorneys understand your concerns and will fight to ensure all their clients receive just compensation for injuries resulting from hospital negligence.

If you or someone you love has received negligent or improper care at a hospital or medical center, contact Reynaldo Garza, III today for an initial consultation to discuss your case.


Nurses are responsible for monitoring their patients and providing the care prescribed by medical doctors. Nursing professionals are expected to monitor vital signs, administer treatments, assist patients when required, and be their patients’ point of contact within a hospital or medical center environment. Nurses are also required to use available medical technology to prevent mistakes and keep detailed, up-to-date patient records.

There are times when that chain of nursing responsibility falls apart, resulting in various forms of nursing negligence. These mistakes may include: poor patient monitoring; failure to communicate with doctors, patients, and other staff; shift change mistakes; not responding to patient calls; medication errors; not reading patient records or physician’s orders correctly; allowing patients to fall; and other errors that can result in serious and even deadly consequences for their patients.

The nursing malpractice attorneys at Reynaldo Garza, III understand that nursing mistakes do happen in various settings every day. With a network of medical experts and specialists as a point of reference, all clients are well represented to achieve the best outcome possible in nursing malpractice lawsuits.

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury due to nursing negligence, call the attorneys with Reynaldo Garza, III to set up an initial consultation to review your claim for nursing malpractice.

Nursing Home2024-01-08T08:30:23-06:00

Making the decision to place a loved one in the care of a nursing facility is a difficult decision that many families face today. In doing so, families put their trust in these facilities to provide care and compassion to their family members as well as any required medical care. Nursing homes should be an extension of the family, providing quality, respectful care to their residents.

It is unfortunate that many of these facilities fall far short of this requirement, their residents instead suffering from neglect and abuse. Nursing home negligence ranging from bedsores, dehydration, malnutrition, and poor supervision to physical, emotional, and even sexual abuse of residents has become rampant in recent years. Poor hiring practices, staff shortages, and lack of compassion are only some of the reasons for such negligence.

Because nursing home negligence can be especially challenging to prove, families who suspect their loved ones are experiencing any kind of neglect or abuse need experienced nursing home malpractice lawyers on their side. The attorneys at Reynaldo Garza, III can provide the dedication and experience to detect and prove a nursing home malpractice claim. They are compassionate lawyers ready to advocate for your loved one and hold accountable those who are liable for such negligent behavior.

If you suspect your loved one is or has been a victim of nursing home abuse or negligence, phone the attorneys at Reynaldo Garza, III today to set up an initial consultation to discuss your nursing home malpractice claim.


When someone is sick or injured, they turn to medical doctors to help them. Through diagnosis and treatment, it is every physician’s oath-sworn responsibility to help their patients and to do no harm. Using their knowledge and expertise, every doctor must assist their patients in making the best decisions for their health care and see that they get the highest quality of care.

Physicians do make mistakes to the detriment of their patients. Doctor negligence can occur for many reasons including: exhaustion; seeing too many patients; communication mistakes between staff, doctors, and other facilities; and prescription errors as well as mistakes made during surgery or a procedure. These types of mistakes can result in serious injuries and subsequent medical conditions; such errors can even threaten the lives of patients.

The physician malpractice attorneys at Reynaldo Garza, III understand that physician negligence is a serious issue. When a doctor’s oversight or carelessness causes harm to a patient, that patient deserves compensation for their pain and suffering as well as any additional care they may need. Thanks to many years of experience handling physical malpractice lawsuits, the lawyers with Reynaldo Garza, III represent clients who have been injured by a doctor’s mistake and help them obtain restitution for their pain and suffering.

If you or a family member has been injured by the negligent treatment of a physician, Reynaldo Garza, III are ready to help. Call us today to discuss your individual circumstances and determine whether there are grounds for a physician malpractice lawsuit.

If you or someone you love in Brownsville or South Texas have been affected by medical negligence, contact Reynaldo Garza, III today at for an initial consultation regarding your case!
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