25 06, 2024

Are You Ready to Negotiate Divorce and Retirement Benefits?

By |2024-06-28T13:46:30-05:00June 25, 2024|Lawyers in Brownsville Texas|Comments Off on Are You Ready to Negotiate Divorce and Retirement Benefits?

One of the more complicated issues that divorce lawyers guide their divorcing clients through is property dispersal, most specifically those involving retirement benefits.

Family law firms often see misunderstandings between spouses on who is entitled to what in terms of retirement benefits, which can result in strained negotiations.

With the [...]

11 06, 2024

Can A Divorce Be Final Without Signing The Final Divorce Papers?

By |2024-06-28T13:44:55-05:00June 11, 2024|Attorneys in Brownsville Texas|Comments Off on Can A Divorce Be Final Without Signing The Final Divorce Papers?

Attorneys are often asked whether a divorce can be finalized when one of the spouses does not sign the final papers.

Technically, the final decree requires the signatures of both spouses and the judge overseeing the divorce case to be considered final.

Yet as experienced family law attorneys must point [...]

24 05, 2024

6 Important Things You Can Learn From A Texas Divorce!

By |2024-06-28T13:46:10-05:00May 24, 2024|Family Divorce Attorneys in Brownsville Texas|Comments Off on 6 Important Things You Can Learn From A Texas Divorce!

Getting divorced may be the end of a marriage, but Texas family divorce attorneys also know that it is the beginning of a new life as well.

There are things that people can learn about marriage, family, and themselves when going through a divorce.

These are some important takeaways that [...]

10 05, 2024

What Is Causing The Gray Divorce Phenomenon?

By |2024-06-28T13:46:22-05:00May 10, 2024|Brownsville Texas Divorce Attorneys, Brownsville Texas Divorce Lawyers, Brownsville Texas Divorce Trial Law Firms|Comments Off on What Is Causing The Gray Divorce Phenomenon?

An interesting statistic revealed by divorce law firms today is the number of gray divorces happening each year.

In the past few decades, divorce attorneys have seen a substantial increase in the number of older couples getting divorced.

In fact, divorce lawyers are even noticing that the rate of divorce [...]

29 04, 2024

Differing Standards – Adultery in Military Marriages

By |2024-06-28T13:46:38-05:00April 29, 2024|Brownsville Texas Divorce Attorneys|Comments Off on Differing Standards – Adultery in Military Marriages

A military career can be challenging in many ways, including how it affects a marriage.

Noting this, it is unfortunately not uncommon for divorce attorneys to be contacted by spouses seeking divorce due to adultery committed by or suspected of their enlisted spouse.

What many enlisted military members may not [...]

11 04, 2024

How Is A Family-Owned Business Affected By Divorce in Texas?

By |2024-06-28T13:45:04-05:00April 11, 2024|Family Divorce Attorneys in Brownsville Texas|Comments Off on How Is A Family-Owned Business Affected By Divorce in Texas?

One of the more complicated elements of divorce that family divorce attorneys must help their clients work through is the issue of family businesses and how they are handled.

Since Texas is a community property state and family businesses are often classified as marital property, divorce attorneys often see disagreements [...]

25 03, 2024

Is A Divorce Lawyer Needed For a Texas Uncontested Divorce?

By |2024-06-28T13:44:51-05:00March 25, 2024|Brownsville Texas Divorce Attorneys|Comments Off on Is A Divorce Lawyer Needed For a Texas Uncontested Divorce?

Couples seeking an uncontested divorce often wonder whether they must hire a divorce attorney or if they can handle the legal transaction on their own.

Hiring a divorce lawyer is not mandatory for any divorce, especially if the divorce is uncontested.

Yet that does not mean that a divorce lawyer [...]

11 03, 2024

Absentee Fathers in Texas – Can Parental Rights Be Lost?

By |2024-06-28T13:46:36-05:00March 11, 2024|Brownsville Texas Family Attorneys|Comments Off on Absentee Fathers in Texas – Can Parental Rights Be Lost?

A concern that many Texas family law firms help their clients navigate is the question of parental rights when addressing a situation where there is an absent father.

Texas family law protects the parental rights of biological fathers, even if they are not present for a variety of reasons.

However, [...]

26 02, 2024

What Conditions Could Nullify A Prenuptial Agreement in Texas?

By |2024-06-28T13:44:46-05:00February 26, 2024|Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys in Brownsville Texas|Comments Off on What Conditions Could Nullify A Prenuptial Agreement in Texas?

Prenuptial agreements, also known as premarital agreements, are recommended in Texas as a way for couples to protect their personal and marital assets should their marriage fail.

To ensure their legality and prevent nullification, Texas prenuptial agreement attorneys do stress that they must be correctly prepared.

Understand what can lead [...]

20 02, 2024

Be My Valentine – Sign This Prenup So We Can Get Married!

By |2024-06-28T13:46:29-05:00February 20, 2024|Prenup Lawyers in Brownsville Texas|Comments Off on Be My Valentine – Sign This Prenup So We Can Get Married!

Valentine’s Day, a popular day for people to get married, is right around the corner.

Before trying the knot, lawyers wonder about prenuptial agreements and whether soon-to-be spouses have taken care of that relationship detail already.

A prenuptial agreement written with the assistance of an experienced prenup lawyer provides couples [...]

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